Welcome to CUSAC

Tom Campbell's Center for the Unification of Science and Consciousness

The Only Nonprofit Scientifically Testing the Simulation Hypothesis


The Center for the Unification of Science and Consciousness (CUSAC), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit founded by Tom Campbell, a former NASA and Department of Defense physicist. Our mission is to experimentally verify the simulation hypothesis. We plan to use wave-particle duality methodologies, as outlined in the peer-reviewed paper "On Testing the Simulation Theory" (International Journal of Quantum Foundations, 2017).

CUSAC is currently conducting unique experiments in collaboration with two major universities. These experiments, including variations of the double-slit and delayed choice quantum erasure experiments, have never been done before. Our goal is to explore the potential role of a conscious observer in "quantum collapse" scenarios. We seek to demonstrate that reality is dependent on the participation of a conscious observer, rather than solely on the measurement apparatus as is widely assumed.

Programmers and gamers alike know that the virtual game-world doesn’t really exist somewhere "out there". The elements of the simulated levels only "load" when the player "arrives," -- that is: "only when a player needs to see it." Otherwise, loading all the game elements simultaneously would produce an extremely inefficient computational process. We think quantum physics must abide by similar process-efficiency requirements. 

In a virtual reality, if a conscious agent is not present, no reality is generated. Without a player there is no game. Our experiments are testing the quantum mechanical equivalent to this computational video gaming practicality.

If we are successful, the underlying theory will have broad implications for science and philosophy.  As the foundation of science is modified to support a more general physics, everything resting on that foundation will also shift.

As the industrial and information revolutions have shown, science drives not only technology but also economics, sociology, ethics, and human values.  Science isn’t just an academic game played by, and made for, scientists. It directly or indirectly affects the entire population of Earth in major ways. Scientists should become aware of how their science affects the worldview and social attitudes of the larger population. 

In this case, If CUSAC’s quantum experiments are successful, the expected paradigm shift in worldview will cause the current world-wide social ethic of control, power and force to be gradually replaced by an ethic of caring, sharing and compassion – a game changer for significantly improving the quality of present human social interaction. This positive, much needed side effect of introducing a more powerful and general physics has what it takes to truly change everything.

In June of 2018, CUSAC raised 236,000 US Dollars via a Kickstarter Campaign, but this will only partially fund the initial necessary steps.  The first step is to provide resources to a top-ranked university to perform five quantum physics experiments that have the potential to completely rewrite science in general, and physics in particular, by providing direct and unequivocal evidence that reality is information based rather than space-matter-charge based – a new paradigm that is daily becoming more and more supported by university physics departments worldwide.

Request For Information (RFI) -- the Initial CUSAC grant application that details the physics experiments

On Testing the Simulation Theory, the peer reviewed published paper on Tom's physics experiments

The Videos page has a detailed description of the proposed experiments and why they matter

The Updates page has all the latest news on the status of these experiments 

Donations are still needed to finish all of the experiments

Make an impact for CUSAC!


The unification of science, epistemology, ontology, and cosmology, within the context of consciousness. 

Mission Statement

To create a center where physical, biological, and neuro scientists can effectively collaborate with consciousness researchers, philosophers, and others who could potentially contribute toward the actualization of the collective vision and mission outlined by the following statements. To fully understand and experimentally confirm the logical consequences of an information-based reality. To extend the reach of science into the realm of subjective experience, thus unifying mind and matter within an over-arching understanding of consciousness. To develop fundamental knowledge and understanding, of both the self and the evolving information system that appears to be the source of all reality, through rigorous scientific investigation of both physical reality and consciousness. 

How the CUSAC Logo Was Created

The symbol of The Center for the Unification of Science and Consciousness was created by Tom Campbell, who wanted to join two symbols: The lotus often seen as the fundamental nature of consciousness and the atom, the universal symbol of science. The challenge of joining the two symbols was faced by two world renowned artists in their own right, who volunteered their time and expenses, to help Tom.  Quang Ho created the beautiful flames and how the symbols would be joined, and solved the difficult problem of integrating the two in a continuous flow. David Uhl, in close collaboration with his friend Quang, imagined the beautiful colors that bring the flames to life that you see inside both. The symbol perfectly expresses the theory described in Tom’s My Big TOE (Theory of Everything). It is deeply felt by those involved in the project, that perfection of the new symbol has been achieved. The background color represents the spectrum itself. Each color in the spectrum is individually defined by a particular wavelength, but white is the only one that includes all colors of the spectrum, and thereby expresses an inclusive view of humanity. The symbol (also called the logo) represents the goal of creating the largest, most positive, paradigm shift humanity has ever experienced. 

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